Monday, February 27, 2012

Seeing the Good All Around Us

Seeing the good is not about masking or sugarcoating what is around us, but being open to the greater possibility of beauty and value within everything. I can see the good within me by recognizing the value I bring to what I do, the people I help, the beauty within.  And likewise for other people as well. I can recognize the good in my life in my environment, the people I meet, and the experiences I have. Goodness can be found in varying forms and quantities, from the heavily flawed to the pristine. Goodness is not about perfection, but beauty and value. Where is the beauty in your life? What value have you contributed to the world today whether to yourself, others, or the environment?

Creative Magic

Realizing the Greater Meaning of Our Lives

It was after feeling frustrated once again about what do with my life, that I recognized the answer. I just needed to allow. I just needed to get off the computer, the internet, and allow the silence that would give me relief. I turned to my notebook and started writing affirmations as they came to me. And then, after some stops and starts, I recognized that the answer was within, that I needed to see more of the meaning to recognize it. Sometimes, the answer is not realizing MORE, but seeing what is already there. We are all here to realize the higher good of the Universe. And we start doing that by opening ourselves up to it. When you feel lack, open yourself to the greater beauty and meaning that is all around and within us. Open yourself up to the greater good that is around all of us.

Creative Magic